I originally hadn't planned on visiting home for the holidays last year. I actually try to visit home as little as possible. As much as I love Tulsa, mourn fills me. I have lost a lot of loved ones in painful ways in my time there. However, seeing my clients brings me so much joy. I happened to sneak into town for a few last minute sessions when one of my life long clients texted me.
I knew that she was due any day.
She had planned a home birth. She realized I was in town and said,

"Audrey was born an hour ago.
I see you're in town. I need you."

I started screaming! I have been unable to photograph birth/postpartum images in my hometown since I moved to Dallas.
The logistics would be irresponsible for me to take on given the unpredictability of birth with 230 miles between us. I have missed so many opportunities with people I have known and loved for years because of this.
So, this chance was rare for me.
I couldn't believe it!!
I raced to their house for the postpartum session and marveled in all their newfound love.

Audrey Jean has the THICKEST head of hair I have ever seen!!! Looks like a precious little helmet!!

Welcome to the world, brave girl.
Sign up on my website to see new birth stories first.
You won't regret it.